In the same vein as chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome has long been a subject of controversy in legal matters. But the more claims that arise and the more research being done into cases of persistent, debilitating fatigue, the more credibility it gains as a serious issue.

Fatigue is often accompanied by physical and psychological pain. But even on its own, it has proven to be a debilitating disorder for sufferers; most significantly it makes holding a steady job incredibly difficult, a frustrating process that leads to struggles securing fair income replacement benefits.

It is difficult to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome (also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) because of the absence of objective evidence and usually, medical specialists only arrive at that diagnosis after every other possibility has been exhausted. In many cases of chronic pain, for example, the discomfort leads to sleep problems and trouble functioning during the day. But that doesn’t necessarily signal the presence of both disorders.

To be deemed a case of chronic fatigue syndrome, the person must experience at least six months of persistent, debilitating fatigue that is not attributable to any other medical condition. It is important for fatigue sufferers to coordinate closely with their family doctor or a medical specialist, in order to document the problem thoroughly and establish credibility. They may experience symptoms like headaches, muscle pain, sore throat or low-grade fever, among other things.

Taken together it is easy to see how the debilitating effects of chronic fatigue, over a long period of time, could make regular work difficult. If you experience chronic fatigue, the only way to support yourself may be to pursue long-term disability benefits.

If and when your claim for long-term disability or other income replacement benefits is denied, a personal injury lawyer can help gather evidence for a more compelling claim and put legal pressure on the insurer. Strict time limits govern the claims and appeals process, so consider consulting a lawyer right away.

At Horowitz Injury Law, we have extensive experience in cases of chronic pain and fatigue. Visit to schedule a free consultation.